Kanazawa College Of Art



The phrase “study art at college” means to continually reflect on your expression and awareness, and find your own unique language and form. The library is a place of guidance for this process.
Our book collection focuses on art, crafts and design, and includes over 110,000 books. It comprises precious Japanese and foreign books of paintings and old monographs, and also many Japanese-style binding books from the Edo period. In addition, emphasis is also placed on the acquisition of books in support of art research, including books on Eastern and Western literature, history, philosophy, dictionaries of related fields such as religion, complete works, monographs, etc. There is also a system for the purchasing of books requested by students. Books are easily accessible using the OPAC system, allowing for simple searching of the collection. The borrowing of books from other Japanese colleges is also possible. The library holds not only books. Audiovisual materials such as videos and DVDs include collections ranging from traditional to modern art, and we also focus on the acquisition of classic films. These resources can be viewed in the AV booths found within the library.
There are computers within the library, and desks are equipped with information terminals so you can use the internet on your own notebook computer.