Kanazawa College Of Art

HOMEENGLISHUndergraduateDepartment of Design

Department of Design

Department of Design

Holistic Design

From communication to space design,
learn about various specialized fields and their relationships.

Advertising, packaging, books, videos, games, product development, fashion, branding, space, landscape, architecture. Through 11 fields of design, we have developed a curriculum that allows students to broadly understand the world of design, and from there, discover and explore their own areas of expertise. By learning various design skills, perspectives, and the relationships between them, we aim to develop designers who are suitable for today's changing society and the emphasis on diversity.

Faculty Staff

  • Professor

    Kadoya Osamu

  • Professor

    Terai Taketoshi

  • Professor

    Tsuba Takahiro

  • Professor

    Suzuki Yasuo

  • Professor

    Uneno Yuji

  • Professor

    Kitamura Kenya

  • Professor

    Sakano Toru

  • Associate professor

    Hirose Junko

  • Associate professor

    Nishimoto Koki

  • Lecturer

  • Lecturer

    Kabashima Osamu

Industrial Design

Producing professional designers with rich intelligence and sensitivity, under the principle of “think with your hands, build with your heart”

We foster designers with strong communication skills, who can respond to the needs of society through open mindedness and problem solving capability, and who possess abundant creativity and formative skills. Design includes that of everyday items, furniture, appliances, information devices, public works, automobiles, etc. We cultivate designers, researchers and educators who can respond to the needs of society realistically with human understanding and a challenging spirit, through the study of diverse material processing techniques and thought processes via personal experience and the construction of theories.

Faculty Staff

  • Professor

    Kawasaki Keigo

  • Professor

    Yasushima Satoshi

  • Professor

    Iriya Shinichi

  • Professor

    Negoro Takanari

  • Lecturer